Friday, October 19, 2012

How HydroPower is Computed

Before a hydroelectric power site is developed, engineers compute how much power can be produced when the facility is complete. The actual output of energy at a dam is determined by the volume of water released (discharge) and the vertical distance the water falls (head). So, a given amount of water falling a given distance will produce a certain amount of energy. The head and the discharge at the power site and the desired rotational speed of the generator determine the type of turbine to be used.

The head produces a pressure (water pressure), and the greater the head, the greater the pressure to drive turbines. This pressure is measured in pounds of force (pounds per square inch). More head or faster flowing water means more power.

To find the theoretical horsepower (the measure of mechanical energy) from a specific site, this formula is used:


THP = (Q x H)/8.8

where: THP = theoretical horsepower

Q = flow rate in cubic feet per second (cfs)

H = head in feet

8.8 = a constant

A more complicated formula is used to refine the calculations of this available power. The formula takes into account losses in the amount of head due to friction in the penstock and other variations due to the efficiency levels of mechanical devices used to harness the power.

To find how much electrical power we can expect, we must convert the mechanical measure (horsepower) into electrical terms (watts). One horsepower is equal to 746 watts (U.S. measure).

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